Outreach Program

Saturday Free Family Workshop – Mural Creation

Curated by


October 7, 2023

Please join us for the next session in a series of free workshops, led by teaching artist Jas Pinturas. During this series of workshops, kids and their families will work together to paint a community mural; diving into color mixing, color theory, and proper painting procedure. Participants will use acrylic paints, brushes, paper, and more to create this community public artwork. This workshop is free and all materials will be provided.

Mural Creation

Free Family Workshop

Saturday, October 7th, 2023, 11am-1pm

Location: Outside NARS Foundation (201 46th Street Brooklyn, NY)

Please join us for the next session in a series of free workshops, led by teaching artist Jas Pinturas. During this series of workshops, kids and their families will work together to paint a community mural; diving into color mixing, color theory, and proper painting procedure. Participants will use acrylic paints, brushes, paper, and more to create this community public artwork. This workshop is free and all materials will be provided.

To register for the workshop, or for more information, please email education@narsfoundation.org. 

Creación de murales

Taller familiar gratuito

Sábado, 7 de octubre 2023, 11am-1pm

Lugar: Fuera de la Fundación NARS (201 46th Street, Brooklyn NY)

Únete a nosotros para la próxima sesión de una serie de talleres gratuitos, dirigidos por la artista Jas Pinturas. Durante esta serie de talleres, los niños y sus familias trabajarán juntos para ayudar a pintar un mural de la comunidad, se sumergirán en la mezcla de colores, teoría del color, y el procedimiento adecuado de pintar. Los participantes utilizarán pinturas acrílicas, pinceles, papel y mucho más para ayudar con esta obra de arte pública comunitaria. Este taller es gratuito y se proporcionarán todos los materiales.

Para inscribirse en el taller, o para más información, envíe un correo electrónico a education@narsfoundation.org.



2023 年 10 月 7 日星期六,上午 11 时至下午 1 时

地点 NARS 基金会外 (纽约布鲁克林第 46 街 201 号)

请参加由教学艺术家贾斯-品图拉斯 Jas Pinturas 主持的下一期免费工作坊。在这一系列工作坊中,孩子们和家人将共同绘制一幅社区壁画;深入学习色彩混合、色彩理论和正确的绘画步骤。参加者将使用丙烯颜料、画笔、画纸等工具创作这幅社区公共艺术作品。该工作坊免费,并提供所有材料。

如需报名参加研讨会或了解更多信息,请发送电子邮件至 education@narsfoundation.org。

Special thanks to the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature, and Council Member Alexa Avilés for their support of the Family Workshop.

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