Outreach Program

Saturday Free Family Workshop – Paper Mache Sculptures

Curated by


November 18, 2023

Please join us for the next session in a series of free workshops led by teaching artist Jas Pinturas. Building upon the foundations laid in the first workshop, participants will revisit and review their clay models. New participants are welcome and will have access to clay to start fresh. During this session, participants will focus on creating larger versions of their clay sculptures, utilizing balloons and paper mache techniques. Additional materials will be introduced, enabling participants to experiment and develop problem-solving skills in the creation process. Smaller supplementary sculptures will also be crafted.

Paper Mache Sculptures

Free Family Workshop

Saturday, November 18th, 2023, 1pm-3pm

Location: PS001 The Bergen School

Please join us for the next session in a series of free workshops led by teaching artist Jas Pinturas. Building upon the foundations laid in the first workshop, participants will revisit and review their clay models. New participants are welcome and will have access to clay to start fresh. During this session, participants will focus on creating larger versions of their clay sculptures, utilizing balloons and paper mache techniques. Additional materials will be introduced, enabling participants to experiment and develop problem-solving skills in the creation process. Smaller supplementary sculptures will also be crafted. Participants are encouraged to attend and bring their sculptures to the next session to continue refining them, with the option to leave them with NARS to dry.

This workshop is free to attend, and all materials are provided.

To register for the workshop, or for more information, please email education@narsfoundation.org. 

Esculturas de papel maché

Taller familiar gratuito

Sábado, 21 de octubre de 2023, de 13:00 a 15:00 horas

Lugar: PS001 The Bergen School

Acompáñenos en la próxima sesión de una serie de talleres gratuitos dirigidos por el artista Jas Pinturas. Partiendo de las bases sentadas en el primer taller, los participantes revisarán sus modelos de arcilla. Los nuevos participantes son bienvenidos y tendrán acceso a la arcilla para empezar de cero. Durante esta sesión, los participantes se centrarán en crear versiones más grandes de sus esculturas de arcilla, utilizando globos y técnicas de papel maché. Se introducirán materiales adicionales, lo que permitirá a los participantes experimentar y desarrollar habilidades de resolución de problemas en el proceso de creación. También se elaborarán esculturas complementarias más pequeñas. Se anima a los participantes a asistir y traer sus esculturas a la siguiente sesión para seguir perfeccionándolas, con la opción de dejarlas en NARS para que se sequen.

La asistencia a este taller es gratuita y se proporcionan todos los materiales.

Para inscribirse en el taller, o para más información, envíe un correo electrónico a education@narsfoundation.org.



2023 年 11 月 18 日星期六下午 1 时至 3 时

地点 卑尔根学校 PS001

请参加由教学艺术家贾斯-品图拉斯(Jas Pinturas)主持的下一期免费工作坊。在第一期工作坊打下的基础上,学员们将重新审视自己的粘土模型。欢迎新学员参加,他们将有机会重新开始制作泥塑。在这节课上,学员将重点利用气球和纸糊技术,创作更大的泥塑作品。此外,还将介绍其他材料,让学员在创作过程中进行尝试并培养解决问题的能力。此外,还将制作小型辅助雕塑。我们鼓励学员参加下一堂课,并将他们的雕塑带到下一堂课继续完善,也可以将雕塑留在 NARS 处晾干。


如需报名参加工作坊或了解更多信息,请发送电子邮件至 education@narsfoundation.org。

Special thanks to the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature, and Council Member Alexa Avilés for their support of the Family Workshop.

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