Outreach Program

Saturday Free Family Workshop – Paper Mache Sculptures

Curated by


December 9, 2023

Please join us for the next session in a series of free workshops led by teaching artist Jas Pinturas. Participants will be encouraged to paint their creations and add any desired details. For new participants, pre-made paper mache sculptures and air-dry clay will be provided to allow them to join in the creative process. This workshop promises to be a colorful and celebratory culmination.

Paper Mache Sculptures

Free Family Workshop

Saturday, December 9th, 2023, 1pm-3pm

Location: PS001 The Bergen School

Please join us for the next session in a series of free workshops led by teaching artist Jas Pinturas. Participants will be encouraged to paint their creations and add any desired details. For new participants, pre-made paper mache sculptures and air-dry clay will be provided to allow them to join in the creative process. This workshop promises to be a colorful and celebratory culmination.

This workshop is free to attend, and all materials are provided.

To register for the workshop, or for more information, please email education@narsfoundation.org. 

Esculturas de papel maché

Taller familiar gratuito

Sábado 9 de diciembre de 2023, de 13.00 a 15.00 horas

Lugar: PS001 The Bergen School

Acompáñenos en la próxima sesión de una serie de talleres gratuitos dirigidos por el artista Jas Pinturas. Se animará a los participantes a pintar sus creaciones y añadirles los detalles que deseen. A los nuevos participantes se les proporcionarán esculturas de papel maché ya hechas y arcilla secada al aire para que puedan unirse al proceso creativo. Este taller promete ser una culminación colorida y festiva.

La asistencia a este taller es gratuita y se proporcionan todos los materiales.

Para inscribirse en el taller, o para más información, envíe un correo electrónico a education@narsfoundation.org.



2023 年 12 月 9 日星期六下午 1 时至 3 时

地点 卑尔根学校 PS001

请参加由教学艺术家贾斯-平图拉斯(Jas Pinturas)主持的下一期免费工作坊。我们鼓励参与者为自己的作品上色,并添加任何想要的细节。对于新参加者,我们将提供预先制作好的纸糊雕塑和风干粘土,让他们能够加入到创作过程中。本工作坊将是一个丰富多彩的庆祝活动。


如需报名参加工作坊或了解更多信息,请发送电子邮件至 education@narsfoundation.org。

Special thanks to the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature, and Council Member Alexa Avilés for their support of the Family Workshop.

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